My Last Day in Oklahoma

When I woke up Sunday morning I was a little bummed. I knew it was my last day. As I went out to say Good Morning, I found Robin by herself on the couch. This wasn’t normal. Usually Dirk is up and in his man cave but he was no where to be seen. At the time we had no clue what was wrong with him. Appearently this was the start of the Gall Bladder relapse. Even though he wasn’t feeling well he still took Robin and me to POP’s for lunch. It is called Pop’s not for someone’s dad but because they carry millions of different flavors and kinds of soda pop. I was also told that the wait for actually seating to eat is usually long but it was a great day and we sat outside. On their menu of great things they combined my 2 favorite sandwiches. I ordered a BLT/Egg Salad sandwich. (Boy was I glad not to be counting points that day) It was great!!

We had one last get together planned with all the girls. So Robin, Erin, Kaden, Will and I swung by and picked up Cindy and her gorgeous boys and headed to Deleise’s house. I was so excited because there were two things at Deleise’s that I wanted to do. Through email before I even got to Oklahoma she had promised that she would make me Chocolate Molton Rock Star. It was absolutely wonderful!! She had also made a great cake for the party at Cindy’s Friday night. I can totally see why her and her friends call their chocolate creations Rock Star! The second thing that I really wanted to do at Deleise’s had to do with a post that I had read on her blog. She posted about a swing, a porch swing. She calls this the Faith Swing. It is a wonderful story if you haven’t read it please take the time too. It is another example of having faith in God. When I saw the picture of the swing and read the post I wanted to sit in the Faith swing. So before I left her house that afternoon I did sneak out back and sit for a few minutes and talked with God about continuing to bless these awesome women and their families. I do know that the next time I am there that Deleise and I will sit in it together. Her with her coffee and one of her fofo creamers and me with an ice tea.

So I know that the above picture looks like it is all fun and games. Let me tell you it wasn’t. Once Natalie and Kim arrived and we all got to tour Deleise’s house. (She is really artistic!) Then the work began. The afternoon was scheduled for a double learning experience. First Kim and Erin trained us about CVS’s money saving program. I must admit that since I don’t have a CVS I really didn’t pay much attention. Natalie did crack me up through the whole thing though. She is hilarious. The second learning experience was offered to us from Deleise. She had made us all folders with paperwork about meal planning and so much more. It is such a great resource! Kim has actually stated that she got all the binders and recipe cards and labels and stuff to create hers and make it all pretty like. (I was secretly hoping that with my 40th birthday coming in just a couple weeks she would send me a completed one LOL)

Cindy started a love around and we all stated something about the people at the table that we admired. I don’t accept compliments well but I did love to hear these women opinion of eachother. It was really kind of neat. They each have such great individual talents, characters and personalities. The all share one attribute. They are all commited women of God. They all are human but do their best to Love Like Jesus. And their best is Very Very Good!

This was pretty much my goodbye to everybody but Robin. It was hard to leave them behind. It was really hard not to cry. I actually started in the car but with four little boys and 3 other women talking I had time to pull myself together. I had to say goodbye to Cindy when we dropped her off. It was hard but I knew that we would talk.

It was a nice night at the Many Meadows with the Many Meadows. I know I am going back. I am just not sure when. I know that Cindy, Robin, Deleise, Kim and Natalie are going to have to tell me to go away otherwise they are stuck with me for life.

Thank You All Again for All The Fun and Memories! You Ladies Rock!

Published in: on September 1, 2008 at 12:16 am  Comments (13)  

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13 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Guess you’d better start looking for good deals on SW again! šŸ™‚ Thanks for putting the memories in writing.

  2. Such treasured memories. And the knowledge that you are going back. Eeeeeekkk!! That’s a good eek by the way.

  3. It DOES look like all fun and games…it looks just beautiful! I love the faith swing!

  4. Stuck like glue, baby.

  5. Warmed this soul this morning.
    Love you Miss T!!!

  6. Well, one day when you move here you too can shop at CVS. And thanks for all your kind words.

  7. sounds like a blast. =)

  8. Can’t believe I’m THIS behind on my blogs. Been SO busy!

    You did such a PERFECT job of documenting our precious weekend. You are missed, sister. YOu are missed indeed.

  9. Great memories! So when are you moving here?

  10. We just need to build you a vacation home on the Many Meadows compound!

  11. Theresa, I meant to tell you that I was so encouraged by your comment on my blog the other day. I have been thinking about it for several days, that’s how great it was! Thanks, friend.

  12. Theresa, you have such an amazing gift a encouragement– I just wanted to tell you that, and say thank you for being such a blessing!

  13. Awe- wish I could have come! At least we can meet each other through our blogs šŸ™‚

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